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Ageing Skin

As we age, our skin naturally starts to lose its immunity and the ability to protect itself from the sun and environmental influences. We also start to see the tell-tale visible signs of ageing as our cell-regenerating processes are slowed down causing the skin’s surface to become thinner, skin tone becomes more uneven, wrinkles and fine lines are more evident and the skin can struggle to hold moisture. 
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A: Common signs of aging skin include wrinkles, fine lines, and loss of firmness. To address these concerns, consider incorporating products with retinoids or retinol, which promote collagen production and skin renewal. Hyaluronic acid and antioxidants can also help hydrate and protect the skin.

A: It's never too late to start an anti-aging routine. Focus on essentials like a gentle cleanser, a moisturizer with anti-aging ingredients, and a broad-spectrum sunscreen. Introduce retinoids or retinol gradually, and consider adding a vitamin C serum for its antioxidant benefits.

A: It's advisable to introduce anti-aging products gradually to avoid potential irritation. Start with a basic routine including a cleanser, moisturizer, and sunscreen. As your skin adjusts, incorporate one anti-aging product at a time, such as a retinoid or vitamin C serum. This allows you to monitor how your skin responds and adjust accordingly.